Yohane has an exciting new direction and opportunity for his life

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By Malawi Project | April 16, 2019

Yohane John and Mobility

It has been 20-years since the birth of Yohane John in Chabwera Village near Ntchisi, and nearly as long since both of his parents ran away from him because they could not care for a child that could not walk. From that day on Yohane has been raised by his grandmother, Mary Njewa.

In the early years Mary carried Yohane on her back so he could reach everywhere he needed to go. When he was too big for her to carry, he would crawl where he needed to go. Mary, however, has continued to help in every way she could. In her devotion to this small boy, Mary has proven a true parent who only wished for the best for the boy. Through her faith and support of him, his commitment and determination, and the encouragement of people like his teacher and the school staff, Yohane has successfully reached the high school entry exams.

But on this day, it was something more than school that held the attention of this committed student. It was the new mobility unit Wilson Tembo was offering him. Through the high recommendation from his teacher, and the joint efforts of Action for Progress, the Malawi Project, and Mobility Ministries, Yohane has an exciting new direction and opportunity for his life.

On receiving the new unit, Yohane smiled, and said, “This wheelchair will help me move comfortably. Currently, I crawl to and from class, but with this wheelchair, I will be able to peddle all the way without problems”.

In the picture Yohane is sitting in his new mobility unit as the teacher who recommended him for this gift stands proudly beside him.

(Wilson Tembo is the Executive Director for Action for Progress and has worked with members of the Malawi Project since 2003. He is the one who submitted this report with great delight.)

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