Increasing Accessibility Through Mindful Mobility

According to the World Health Organization, over 80 million people need mobility assistance worldwide, and the unfortunate truth is that many have limited access to tools that could improve their quality of life. We’re working to change that at Mobility Worldwide. 

Our global Affiliate network partners with local communities to design, build, and distribute Mobility Carts that can traverse any type of terrain and other aids that open the door to a richer life for people with disabilities that affect mobility.

Our Affiliate Network

We believe there is strength in numbers that allows us to reach more people than we ever could alone. Our Affiliates have produced more than 100,000 mobility carts since 1994, giving thousands of people around the world a chance for a more accessible life.

Grey World Map

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Two women together one seated in a mobility cart and the other standing next to her both smiling


Your donation efforts make our mission possible. Check out our Get Involved page to donate and give the gift of mobility.

A older male Mobility Worldwide team member standing in a wear house next to a tablet checking shipping details and schedules


Be the change and help thousands around the world. Visit the Volunteer page to learn how you can help us produce and distribute our mobility aids.

A younger women sitting in a blue mobility cart with a big smile on her face.

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