‘What is charity?’ See what Kudzai does with his cart blessing.

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Maker of the Mobility Cart since 1994.
Will you join us by perpetually blessing another person with a leg handicap?
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Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia update 12/12/17: 1,740 carts built since 1/1/17

My favorite periodical is The Christian Science Monitor Weekly. The Nov. 20 issue had, in its “Upfront” column, an excellent statement about “True Charity.” It is so on-target, and at this Christmas Season, I thought to copy for you a bit of it. It was written by editor Mark Sappenfield.

“Faith traditions have recognized that charity is more than simply the act of giving. It involves a deeper realization of the connections that bind us all. In giving, we receive. In loving without expectation of return, we learn what love is.

“The concept of “tzedakah” – the obligation to do what is just – is one of the core principles of the Jewish faith. In elevating steps, it exhorts Jews to unself themselves in giving to others. The highest form of charity is enabling one to do without charity – to change someone’s life so completely that you flip the script of poverty and want.

“In Islam charity is one of the five pillars of faith. No charity is too small. One saying of the prophet Mohammad is that even ‘removing a harmful thing from the road is charity.’ Muslims strive for ‘sadaqah jariyah’ – the charity that blesses perpetually.

“To the Apostle Paul charity was the greatest of virtues – the understanding that material giving meant little without utter immersion in love.

“Charity is of the pocketbook, yes. But even more it is in the radical grace of humble hearts.”

I think that the above reflects what we understand about gifts to build and ship our beloved wheelchair – Mobility Cart. The only return we expect is the knowledge that we have made an amazing upward impact upon the life of another human being. We have in a very real way “flipped” the script of poverty and want. It fits Paul’s insistence that our gift must be immersed in love. It fits the Muslim asking for a charity that goes on giving.

54 year old Kudzai, street musician, received your blessing after an amputation.

“Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” by Martin Luther King
Mel West, Director Emeritus
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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