What do NGOs do in the field besides distribute Mobility Carts?

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Maker of the Mobility Cart since 1994.
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Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia Update 12/26/17: 1,826 built since 1-1-17

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A question asked: “What do the NGOs do other than distribute Mobility Carts?”
Answer: The Luke Commission, medical team in Swaziland, is one of the many NGOs that have the distribution of our carts as a part of their total program. We began our partnership in 2009. They list their mission as “taking comprehensive medical and spiritual aid to rural communities.” Here is a listing of what they did last year:
*** 61,570 medical patients.
*** 10,452 eyeglasses.
*** 338,635 medical packets.
*** 24,452 patients tested/counseled for HIV.

Dr. Harry gives a Columbia Pull Cart to a boy

*** 367 wheelchairs/adaptive equipment (including Mobility Carts)
*** 117,609 TOMS shoes for children.
*** 2,792 surgical procedures.
*** 35,530 Youth vision screening.
*** 306 cataract eye surgeries.
*** 449 HIV/TB therapies initiation.
*** 62,807 Scripture booklets/Bibles.
*** 179,807 community health education.
*** 60 tons fresh vegetables given to patients and staff.
Mobility Worldwide is very proud to be a part of a medical team that provides those kinds of services. The Mobility Cart becomes a part of what we call a “holistic” approach.
“What prodigious power a large body of people can put forth when they all work at the same task and are greatly interested in it.” William Sumner
Mel West, Director Emeritus
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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