The New Mobility Cart Shipments are here!

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Because generous donors like you gave at the Auburn Heights Dinner to cover the cost of freight for Mobility Carts, your ship arrived in Kenya!

On December 9, Connie Cheren, founder and president of Partners for Care, advised Sam Singer, lead volunteer in Mobile, AL that the Mobility Carts have arrived. The Mobility Carts’ 80-day voyage began on September 14 in Mobile, AL.

But the story doesn’t end here.

Soon, each Mobility Cart you helped sponsor will be given to leg disabled recipient. When that day arrives, it will be one of rejoicing! Prayers will be answered, Christ’s name will be proclaimed, and His Kingdom will come to another remote location on planet Earth.

Thank you for making all of this possible!

Without you, these 225 families and their leg disabled loved ones would continue to endure an agonizing existence characterized by the humiliation of crawling in the dirt, the scorn of others, and for many, the utter lack of hope.

Because of you, many positive outcomes are being produced. Thank you!

Country: Kenya
Partner: Partners for Care

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