Rotary delivers Gift of Mobility Cart to Abu in Sierra Leone

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“My name is Abu Kamara and I stay at the Polio organization in Grafton in Freetown”.

“I am one of the recipients of the Rotary Mobility Carts. It is very useful to me and I am happy to be given this opportunity to receive one. It aids my movement to very long distance places, especially during the rainy season when the roads become narrow slippery and rough. At these times, it becomes difficult to walk using crutches. But with the Mobility Carts, it will is easy and I can get to places on time”.

“The Mobility Carts really play a vital role in our daily lives and we are also grateful to have them. We hope that this project will continue for the betterment of us disabled people in Sierra Leone”

“I will forever be grateful for the Mobility Carts, thank you.”

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