PfC: Gary & PfC get Gifts of Mobility Carts flying to S. Sudan

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From Partners for Care:

I received this request through Gary Moreau, Mobility Worldwide Columbia from Jill – a doctor in South Sudan. Jill was trying to find some Mobility Carts. She has one little disabled child with the biggest smile in the world who is hoping to get a pull cart. One year ago his parents had moved close to the TB clinic Jill runs in hopes they could get him a pull cart. Imagine waiting for a year for a cart to help your child.

Jill said there are several people paralysed from spinal TB who are also waiting as well.

Jill wrote, “I keep hoping that something will become available. Do you know if perhaps they have 3 extra carts in Kenya we could bring in? I know I am dreaming! Your carts are so amazing. I can’t imagine there are ever any extras. There is nothing at all comparable to the carts you make especially for places in the bush.”

PFC offered Jill the 3 carts she wanted. They have been picked them up today and will send them on the missionary flight to S. Sudan. We are grateful to Mobility Worldwide and for all our donors who help us get Mobility Carts to Kenya so we can let Dr. Jill know she wasn’t dreaming!

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