“Now that he has the mobility unit, he will enroll for primary education”

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From Mobility propels teen on academic journey:

By Richard Stephens | February 21, 2018

Shadreck Changes Course

Shadreck Makombola was born in the village where he currently resides, Likhomo Village in Southern Malawi. As he neared the age of 5 the problem became more and more evident. By the age of 14 years of age, the boy’s body has become almost useless. Some concluded it was Muscular Dystrophy, while others did not see this conclusion in the evidence. Without the availability of resources, tests, and modern equipment available only in the west the source of the problem eluded the family and medical people. Whatever was the source of the problem there was one thing sure; the problem could not be solved. Shadreck had a problem that was causing critical loss of muscle mass and strength.

His uncle reported, “He became weaker and weaker, and for a time he could still walk, but finally the disease progressed to the point he could no longer walk.” This brought more distress to the family because he was too big to carry and they could not afford to buy any type of mobility device. If Shadreck wanted to go outside the house his only option was to crawl. This ended him leaving the house to school.

“Now that he has the mobility unit, he will enroll for primary education,” his uncle Clement Makombola declared proudly.

Government Applauds Assistance

During the distribution of mobility units to other needy women and children, the Traditional Chief commended the gesture. Traditional Authority M’biza of Zomba said, “there are many people in this area who need mobility devices, but we had no means to get them.” He continued by saying “these people’s lives will be transformed because they will be able to work, move around, and attain an education.”

Speaking at the same function, a representative from Zomba District Council Social Welfare office said the mobility units had arrived at just the right time. He noted the government is unable to support the number of people who have mobility problems. “We in the government are grateful for the support from the Malawi Project and Mobility Worldwide,” he noted.

Thirty-Five Join Shadreck’s Dream

By the end of the day, a total of thirty-five people received mobility units, many were children who had had little or no chance to go to school before these units arrived. Now their lives can change, they can go to school and learn a trade, and like Shadreck they can dream and plan a new future.

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