“Now, I am able to get involved with everyone in the community”

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From United Mission to Nepal 2018 Project Report:

Life made easier with PET Cart
Sanjay Chaudhary has a physical disability. He lives in Nandanagar village in Kapilbastu. When he was 12, he suffered from a high fever which later affected his mind and leg. He was frequently taken to hospitals for a checkup but there were no signs of improvements. His condition worsened later to a point that he was unable to move from his bed.
He belongs to a middle-class family of six members. His major source of income is farming as his family own six acres of land which grows enough crops to feed the family.
People from his community had disowned his family as they believed that a disabled son in the family meant that it was a curse for the sins committed in the previous life. But Sanjay received full support from his family. They tried their best to spend time with him and comfort him. But due to their busy household work, he felt lonely.
Despite his keen interest in studies, his physical weakness deprived him of continuing his studies. But support changed his life for good. During the Personal Energy Transportation (PET) Cart distribution programme, Sanjay also received one. He has now started to do his regular activities with the help of his PET Cart. His mobility and activities of daily living are improving. He even goes to school regularly and is active in school activities and enjoys with his friends at school.
He is also an active member of the disability self-help group of the village and is involved in the various disability awareness and other activities related to the disabilities in the community. “It has been possible due to the PET Cart. Before, I couldn’t go anywhere from my house due to my disability. This Pet Cart has made my life easier. Now, I am able to get involved with everyone in the community,” shares Sanjay.
By Anil Dwivedi, UMN Project Coordinator, Kapilbastu

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