new Mobility Cart keeps Tirta family going in Bali

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From Global Village Foundation:
new cart for Mrs. Tirta
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Global Village Foundation Servicing Mobility Carts Wheelchairs at Sumber Kelampok – Buleleng Bali.

Mrs. Ketut Tirta, 48 years old, who is only a housewife affected by a disaster, suddenly becomes paralyzed. This incident has been experienced 5 years ago, until now she cannot walk. the husband, who used to work as a construction worker to be able to provide for his family, unfortunately, the husband was also affected by the disaster, experiencing vision problems to the point of blindness, even though he is blind, the husband is still passionate about making a living by switching professions to become a masseuse. blessed with 3 sons, 1 daughter.
and the younger brother who is still in school and the older brother who works as a freelance daily laborer enthusiastically taking care of his parents.
and now the Mobility Carts wheelchair Ms. Ketut Tirta is new and ready to be used again, thank you for supporting the Mobility Carts adult standard wheelchair.
worn Tirta cart

worn Tirta cart
Name: Mrs. Ketut Tirta
Country: Bali
Disability: not specified
Partner: Global Village Foundation

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