MW Zambia: Mulenga’s New Friend

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From Emily in Zambia – Mulenga and PET Conference:
With July marking the beginning of the second half of the year (how did that happen so fast?!), things have slowed down a little which has been a welcome change of pace. I took advantage of the extra time to get the fifth Mulenga children’s book illustrations finished. Cathy, the author, has gotten it formatted and we are making final tweaks. We are hoping this means it’ll be available for purchase very soon! This latest book features a new character who is handicapped and receives a PET so she can go to school.
2019 marks twenty-five years of the PET ministry being an “official” ministry. There will be a celebration conference for this ministry in late September in Texas and Delbert was invited to share at the conference about what we are doing in Zambia. Other than us, all of the PET affiliates (now called Mobility Worldwide) are in the United States. They make the carts and ship them around the world. However most of them have never been to a distribution. They haven’t been able to see first-hand how these carts change people’s lives. This is what Delbert and our team are able to share with the affiliates.
MW Zambia
adult rider
Along with Delbert, our partner and friend Joe will be attending the conference. Joe lives in Florida but has been to Zambia numerous times. He is our US PET representative, and is responsible for buying, loading, and shipping containers filled with PET supplies from the US to Zambia. In the past month or two, it was decided that it would be good for Josephine and I to also attend the conference. Josephine is a huge part of PET Zambia and I have had a growing role in the ministry. So…. I changed my ticket and will be going back September 17-18. Instead of going straight to Texas, Josephine and I will go to Colorado for a few days where I can show her a different part of the US (she’s only been to Florida). Then we will drive down to Texas to meet up with Delbert and Joe for the conference.

We hope to have copies of this fifth Mulenga book with us at the conference – a children’s story of how a PET can change someone’s life.
lifting child onto Mobility Cart

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