MW Zambia helps lift crawling children with Gifts of Mobility Carts

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“Today 21 adult PETs and 4 children’s PETs were sent to Solwezi with ZAPED, the Zambian government agency that works with the disabled. Child-sized PETs are especially in demand right now as disabled children are having to crawl through the mud of the rainy season to get around. If they are lucky enough to get a wheelchair they are doubling up with two children using it at one time. We are looking forward to attending the distribution soon and pray the Lord brings the right people to come and receive this gift of mobility!”

   Dickson, Kennedy, and their helpers are busy in the PET workshop getting the next consignment of 50 PETs ready for distribution. We appreciate their hard work!

Dickson, Kennedy, and their helpers are busy in the PET workshop getting the next consignment of 50 PETs ready for distribution. We appreciate their hard work!

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