Mohammed’s Gift of Mobility means no more crawling

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Without Mobility Cart:

“I am Mohammed Sesay and I am from Shenge. Shenge is one of the islands on the Atlantic Ocean near to the Western Area in Sierra Leone”.
“To come to Grafton, I have to travel by boat to Tombo on a journey that begins early in the morning and we arrive at 2 in the afternoon. And then I take a taxi and a Poda Poda (small public commercial bus) to come to Grafton”.
“I was 10 years of age when I became a disabled person.’’ On the day it happened, I went out early in the morning with my mother who getting ready to say her early morning prayers. Then when I went behind the house, then I heard people running after me. I can hear their footsteps but I could not see them. I ran as fast as I can from them. When I came to the front door, I fell down from the steps. From that time I was unable to move both my legs anymore”.
“I have crawled around all my life to go from place to place. This is my first time of seeing this type of wheelchair”.
“The fisherman Prince whom you gave one of these wheelchairs last Saturday called me from Tombo for me to travel from Shenge to come and see this wheelchair. He directed me to you”
“I feel different now that I have this mobility cart. I can see so many ways that this wheelchair will be able to help me. It will help me with my blacksmith work. I will be able to walk long distances without crawling on my hands and feet. I will not be dirty all day as before
“There are 4 other disabled like me in Shenge some are even worse than me. I want you to find a way for you to help them get their own mobility carts. For now, when I return, we will be using this one together”

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