Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia: Founder talks about leaving a legacy of values

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How are you leaving a legacy for others?
Give the Gift of Mobility, Dignity, and Opportunity!
214 Mobility Carts built in 2018

This is a word to parents and grandparents, about legacies. As you plan for the legacies you will leave your children and grandchildren, be aware that they need to inherit your values far more than your valuables. Our youth live in a confused and confusing world, and they need to have a firm foundation of values that will help them to live a satisfying the productive life. Those nearest and dearest to them can help provide such.

Let me tell you a story of a simple act that impacted my life. In 1930 the Great Depression, the big drought, the Dustbowl days and the destructive hit of brucellosis in our Jersey herd had made life very difficult for us. On a hot Saturday, my Dad drove the Model A to town and came back with 50# of ice. My mother made 2 gallon of ice cream and an Angel food cake. We finished evening chores early, put on our go-to-town clothes, and drove the 8 miles to Golden City and the Methodist Church. Tables and chairs were on the lawn. They were having an ice cream social to raise money for a mission in India. We parked the car and only Dad got out. He took the freezer of ice cream and the cake to the lawn, visited just a few moments, and we went back home. The facts were that we could barely afford the ice and sugar for our donation, but could not afford to buy it back.

That event spoke loudly to me, and I’ve never forgotten it. I wanted some ice cream and cake, but somebody I had never seen needed help more than I needed those treats. Values communicated by example are powerful. Almost 20 years ago one of our grandsons came to visit and rode a child-sized (pictured at right) Mobility Cart 500 times around a row of workbenches in the production shop, telling us he was driving the Indianapolis 500. When he got his first job, he became a donor to Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia (PET then).

Our wills dispense the “valuables” of our lives. The way we live communicates our values.
“Every life is an expression of faith, and exercises an inevitable and silent propaganda. As far as lies in its power, it tends to transform the universe and humanity into its own image.” by Henri Imeal – 1852
Mel West, Director Emeritus
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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