“mobility should be a right for all”

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From Mel West:
Mobility Worldwide (PET) had a great evening, last, as it hosted its annual “Volunteer’s Recognition Dinner” at the local Peachtree Center. Gary Moreau, Director, did a good job of bringing together a crowd of about 150 volunteers, a good meal, and a good program. I sat at the table signing the new book Jeff Moran has edited with some of my writings. Visual reports were made of PET distributions in Haiti, India and Kenya.
Special guests were Connie Cheren, founder of Partners for Care (PFC) in Kenya, and Sammy Wanjau, Executive Director of
PFC in Kenya. PFC is one of the finest NGO’s I’ve ever seen. Here is a partial list of their recent work:
** 17 computer schools.
** 9 sewing schools with sewing machines sent by our local
Sewing Machine Project.
** 1 million persons reached by their HIV-AIDS team.
** 14,000 treated for the crippling trigger.
** 2,200 mobility carts (PETs) distributed.
** 47,000 water backpacks distributed.
Connie and I have a special vision we share. We dream that Kenya will become the first African country to have ALL its people mobile. Whatever is needed for mobility, wheelchairs, special wheelchairs like PET, walkers, canes, canes for the blind, etc, would be provided. Then emphasis would be given to accessibility and acceptability for all.
Dream big!! Smallpox is gone from our world. Polio is almost gone. Malaria is rapidly declining. The debilitating Guinea Worms is about gone.
Personal mobility should be a right for all, and Connie and I have that vision.
I’ll not be around when it happens, but every person’s personal dreams should last longer than their lifetime.
Mel West

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