Mobility Reaches Sabubeni Leni

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From Mobility Reaches Sabubeni Leni:

by Richard Stephens, December 12, 2017

Dzamba Village, Malawi … It is easy to remember Sabubeni Leni. He was in the audience in September when members of the Malawi Project’s board of directors accompanied Larry Vincent, an American missionary from Decatur, Alabama to Leni’s village quite close to the Zambian border.

The story of meeting Salubeni appeared on the Malawi Project web site on October 30, 2017. His story of loosing his leg due to an untreated inflection in his leg was quite touching, and made everyone realize how easy small accidents can lead to major problems in the poverty of Africa.

After meeting Sabubeni and learning of his need for mobility Wilson Tembo, of the Malawi Project immediately took steps to have a mobilty unit delivered to Sabubeni. In a matter of weeks a unit was delivered to Lilongwe, then driven out to the village where Sabubeni lives.

In the picture one can see the moment when Sabubeni was able to climb into his brand new mobility unit, and move around without the use of crutches in over a year. Appreciation goes to Mobility Ministries of Demotte, Indiana for making this moment reality.

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