Mobility Carts ship out to Lions in Mexico and MedShare’s CA warehouse

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295 Mobility Carts built in 2018

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Von of Mobility Worldwide at the international level asked us to fill 2 orders this month.

On February 15, 40 small crank carts on 4 pallets left Columbia and headed to Del Rio, TX to Lion McCain.

“The carts will be delivered by me (20) to Presidente DIF, Acuna, Mexico. (20) to The Jocobo Rodriguez Foundation, Piedras Negras, Mexico. This Organization is Headed by the Immediate Past President of DIF, Acuna, Senora Ester (Tete’) Talamas.

Lion M.D. (Mac) McCain”

On February 19, 93 carts shipped out on a Pup trailer to MedShare’s western warehouse in San Leandro, California. MedShare is a non-profit that gleans medical supplies and offers to agencies around the world. Our Mobility Carts are in their catalog.

3 pallets, 48x 40x 88 = 30 Small carts

1 pallet 48x 40 x80= 7 Pull carts

8 pallets 48 x 40 x 80= 56 Large carts

12 pallets = 10,525 lbs
We are grateful for all our partnerships around the globe. Charles, you help make these shipping reports possible. THANK YOU!

Gary Moreau, Executive Director & Kathy Maynard, Business Administrator

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