Mobility Carts brighten lives of people of El Triunfo, Ecuador

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The social work of the Junta de Beneficencia de Guayaquil, arrived in the area Urban area of ​​the canton of El Triunfo, Province of Guayas; Benefiting 20 People with low economic resources who improved their mobility With the delivery of PET carts, which the Guayaquil Coordination with the North American organization Mobility WorldWide.

One of the beneficiaries was José Valverde, 72, who When he received his PET cart, he expressed his joy in words of gratitude. “I’m happy and now that I can mobilize alone, I First thing I will do is go out my neighborhood and visit my friends “he commented
José, who five years ago lost his legs as a result of diabetes.

The donation was made through the Puro Corazón Foundation and the Municipality of the canton was held in the Municipal Auditorium, the past Wednesday, where Katherine Díaz, President of the Foundation and Jofree Macias, Deputy Mayor of the canton, presented a plaque of thanks to the Ing. Eduardo Romero, Deputy Inspector of External Relations and Donations from the Guayaquil Charity Board.

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