Mel & Barbara West Cart Center begins operations!

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From Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia is on the MOVE!

Even though you haven’t heard much from us lately, we have been very busy. These are some highlights.

* Gary shuts down production at the end of June as we run out of space and get closer to move date. Click this link or picture below to see the 34 second video Gary posted on Facebook June 10.

* On June 30, The Container Project ships a full container to Nicaragua which includes 5 large Mobility Carts & 12 sewing machine kits.

* On July 1, 17 carts (7 Pull & 10 small) ship to our sister cart site in KS for the country of Togo.

* On July 1, 44 carts (30 small & 14 Pull) ship to the Aztec Ministry of Grace in Mexico.

* On July 2, 66 carts (51 large, 5 small & 10 Pull), 19 mini-marts, 24 sewing machine kits, and carts from our sister site in OH fill the overseas container to Kenya. Connie, they are on the way!

For a total of 122 carts in 3 days, that was a lot of communication, shipping paperwork, inspection of Kenyan shipment, and close quarters loading on hot days. Gary and his team of loading volunteers did a great job loading and clearing out completed carts and other mission goods from the warehouse.

* The MOVE begins: Now it was time to move all the rest. The new building isn’t completed entirely, but we have a temporary occupancy permit to begin. The office & visitor area has a ways to go to be completed. Below are pictures of the old emptied shop & warehouse except for the new to us forklift (last fall) that was put through a heavy workload in the last week. We expect to move the office later this month. There’s a lot of activity in setting up the new assembly shop and first ever welding shop space in our facility. In the next Update and the fall newsletter, we’ll highlight the MOVE to the new building.


We had moved the shop and full warehouse to 1908 Heriford Rd in 2007 (from 1914 Heriford Rd). This building served us for 13 years of production.

4825 E Meyer Industrial Drive, Columbia, MO 65201

We continue our mission story in this new, fully owned 12,500′ building – ‘Mel & Barbara West Cart Center’. This makes the 5th location/move since the Wests’ garage.

We thank all of you that have helped in the move. And we thank all of you that have supported us, which caused our growth and need for more space once again.

More reasons to celebrate,

Kathy Maynard, Business Administrator & Gary Moreau, Executive Director

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