Malawi Project celebrates 2023 Gifts of Mobility Carts

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Malawi 2023 recipients
How does one describe special moments that take place a number of times each year, moments that are emotional experiences that bring you to the edge of tears every time you share one of them?

Every trip to Malawi, and I made two in 2023, there are two things that give me those intensely emotional moments.
The first is to see people with mobility issues crawling on the ground, having little or no hope of ever again moving about except in the dirt or mud.

The second is to attend one of the many mobility distribution events that take place frequently. Watching a person crawl over to a brand-new Mobility Cart and climb up into the seat. Then to watch closely and see the expression on their face fade from hopelessness to the promise of a new and bright future, one filled with hope and promise, one of never crawling in the mud again.

It was another of those highlights of 2023.

Richard Stephens
Malawi 2023 carrying

Malawi lifting to Mobility Cart
Name: multiple
Country: Malawi
Disability: multiple
Partner: Malawi Project / Action for Change

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