Jean’s 16 miles a day wears out 4 Mobility Carts in 8 years!

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From an Orphan Grain Train partner in Haiti:

Keep those Mobility Carts coming!!!!

We had a one-legged man today who needed a Mobility Cart but I want to share the story of Jean Romulus and the difference the Mobility Carts have made in his life since Bro. Clayton first asked if we wanted some!!!

Jean Romulus was born 42 years ago in Haiti with no legs. He learned to walk on the stubs he had and that is how he grew up. He supported himself by shuffling through the traffic and begging for handouts.

Then in 2010 we saw him on the road and told him to come to Santo 12, Help For Haiti. The next day he stopped by, we introduced him to the Mobility Cart and his life changed. He was able to peddle around as in a car. He could talk to people in the face and not be looking up but the biggest change was his employment. Everyday Jean rides his Mobility Cart 8 miles each way to the Port au Prince airport where he still begs for donations but he can ride a Mobility Cart there and not have to drag his body along the street.

He is self-sufficient and he is also on his FIFTH Mobility Cart. He has worn out tires, brakes, seats from the mileage he puts on each Mobility Cart. Last Sunday he stopped by for a trade in….we kept the old Mobility Cart for parts and he drove away in a new Mobility Cart. Pastor John said, “be careful at the airport. They may not give you any donations seeing you have a NEW CAR”!

thanks OGT

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