“I Can Move About Again”

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From Comes the dawn (part4)

“I Can Move About Again”By Malawi Project | September 26, 2019

Lilongwe, Malawi … As the gathered crowd gathered to witness the ribbon-cutting, two forty-foot containers sat quietly, nearly hidden from sight, on the opposite side of the giant warehouse. One of these was TC, the overseas container that recently made the harrowing trip from the U.S. to Malawi to make its permanent home beside this giant warehouse. TC is filled with mobility units from Mobility Ministries in Demotte, Indiana, and TC will now be emptied of its precious cargo in preparation for distribution to needy people nationwide.

Just 24 hours after the ribbon cutting another container would leave Indiana on the 4-month perilous journey. Its arrival in January will be welcomed by this new distribution center. While this new container will be unable to join TC on the property, it will hand off day kits for girls, library books, 4 boxes of used tools, walkers, canes and crutches, medical gloves, 49 small mobility units for children and 186 larger units for adults.

According to Robert Tauka, Vice-Chairman for Action for Progress says, “The hardships the vulnerable societies go through and the realization that they have to live with the condition for the rest of their lives put them in a state of hopelessness and resignation resulting in physical and mental anguish. The efforts of the Malawi Project in collaboration with Action for Progress brings a ray of hope to them. The construction of this distribution center will alleviate logistical challenges.”

While some see a new warehouse, others see much more than a mere building. They see children reading books in school, fathers unable to walk going to their businesses, mothers able to care for children with mobility issues, and children peddling their way to school by themselves. Still, others see smiling medical personnel able to have protective gloves, girls going to school all five days of the week every month, and carpenters with the tools they need to enhance their trade. In other words, they see hope and independent lives because of what is going to take place at the distribution hub. It will be evident in the smiles on the faces of those who receive the things stored, sorted and distributed from this distribution hub.

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