“I am happy now, my son will be able to proceed with his education.”

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Nkhotakota, Malawi … The weather of joy and happiness was coupled with ululation as excitement engulfed Vinthenga Village. The village is located near Lake Malawi under the jurisdiction of Senior Traditional Authority Malengachanzi.

On this warm summer day, children were walking in and out between the small houses of their village. There was happiness everywhere as they saw their school mate, Saul Matchado Nkhoma being given a new way to get around; a brand new mobility unit. They could not hold their joy, but stood behind Saul and shared their happiness by raising their hands and thanking God for the gift given to their friend.

Beginning is the End

Saul, a grade 5 dropout, developed a crippling problem three years ago. It happened suddenly as he unexpectedly fell down repeatedly. In medical terms, his mother could not explain what happened, but what she did know was her son could no longer walk. The beginning of the problem was the end of his educational journey. He could no longer walk to the school. Each day he would spend almost all of his time in the house. When he was able to be outside all he could do was watch as his former classmates walked past his house going to and from school.

When his friends run around and played various sporting activities, Saul was no longer able to participate. Alone and in isolation, depressed and discouraged, he spent most of the past three years closed away from everyone. There was no more future for him. Then suddenly everything changed.

Many Have Promised

“I am happy now, my son will be able to proceed with his education.” Saul’s mother said happily, as she saw the new mobility unit. She said many organizations promised to help her son, but none of them fulfilled their promise. “I am really thankful to God for directing this NGO to me. God must guide and bless them,” Saul’s mother continued.

Mr. Graystone Alindiamawo, the Education Manager for the District joined the school pupils in thanking the Malawi Project for bringing mobility. to Saul. He said “This NGO is investing in long term investment in the district and the nation as a whole, since Saul will be educated and the district will benefit from him.”

Present at the handing over function were also the District Youth Officer, The District Social Welfare officer and the village headman.

This District, like many parts of the country, has many children who suffer in silence. They need mobility support, but can’t access it. On their own, they will never have the money with which to purchase one.

“We have vowed to help these children with mobility support so they can have access to education, and become productive members of our community,” concluded Wilson Tembo of the Malawi Project. “The partnership between the Malawi Project and Mobility MInistries in Demotte, Indiana is good for so many people”

Report by Wilson Tembo

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