How do Mobility Carts help after wars?

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Maker of the PET Mobility Cart since 1994.

Will you help more persons who have received wartime injuries?

Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia Update

This is a partial quote from one of my favorite songs, by Bob Dylan:
“How many times must the cannonballs fly, before they are forever banned?
How many deaths will it take ’till He knows that too many people have died
The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind, it’s blowing in the wind.”

Much if my life has been impacted by wars. A great-grandfather was in the Civil War. My father and some uncles were in WWI. I was a Marine in WWII. When I was a pastor in Dallas 1959-65 the first pilot shot down in Viet Nam was a member of my congregation, and I had his funeral. His name was Conrad Terry. Look on the wall in D.C. Our son protested that war in Washington, D.C.

During the Viet Nam War I ran a “Bunker” at the Lake of the Ozarks for Army trainees from Ft. Leonard Wood, the nation’s largest training base. I spent many hours counseling them concerning a war in which they would go and die, but a war they did not understand.

Then I began doing humanitarian work and discovered that a lot of it was to try to clean up and restore life after the wars. Heifer Project was born of a war, and had a major part in carrying out the Marshall Plan to restore Europe. Much of Heifer’s work, still today, is to replace animals killed in wars, and to help restore economies disrupted by wars. Habitat for Humanity has built thousands of houses for refugees from wars, many here in Columbia, MO.

Mobility Worldwide (PET) originated with a call from Missionary Larry Hills, in war torn Zaire, in 1994, for a mobility vehicle for those whose legs had been removed by land mines. Many of the requests we still, today, receive are for wartime injuries.

(click on picture for full report & more pictures: In 1968 Thuong Ngyen stepped on a land mine. This father of six is a cobbler.)

And it does not end. An Associated Press news release today reports that “64 years after the Korean War, the North is still digging up bombs.” The experts say it will take 100 years to clean up all the unexploded ordinance. All told the USA dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea. Last October 370 unexploded bombs were found on an elementary school playground in North Korea.

Mobility Worldwide will continue to follow the wars and provide mobility for lost legs. If North Korea opens up, we will send Mobility Carts there. But will we do more” “The answer, my friends, is blowing in the wind; the answer is blowing in the wind.”
” True peace is not merely the absence of war; it is the presence of justice,” – Martin Luther King

Mel West, Director Emeritus
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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