Have you been to the shop of Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia?

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Maker of the PET Mobility Cart since 1994.

Will you help support the operation of our shop & warehouse?

Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia update

Last Tuesday Mobility Worldwide here in Columbia was pleased to host a tour group from the nearby Lenoir Woods Senior Living Center. The bus group of about 20 included several folks who were already donors, but had never seen how their dollars were used.

We started at the display near the entry door that features our mission statements and a couple dozen photos of recipients on their Mobility Carts. I stressed the fact that so many persons needed mobility because of birth defects. One woman has no legs, but two feet protruding from her buttocks. A young girl has one good leg, but only a foot where the other leg should be. The knees of one young man were “on backwards,” bending only upward. (Zambian boy below who did receive a cart after we received a request from FORGE.)

They then had a time with Gary Moreau, the Executive Director, who told them of recent trips and answered questions. The map on the wall in the office, which is surrounded by photos of cart recipients, became the focal point for more story telling. One of our volunteers was in the office and told of her experiences with Mobility Worldwide. She has made several overseas deliveries.

During a slow trip through the very busy shop they were able to see how the various pieces of the Mobility Cart came together and to talk with more volunteers. The trip through the warehouse also presented the Sewing Machine Project and The Container Project of which the SMP is a part. Both are separate from Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia (accounting: gifts & expenses and leadership), but partners in mission.

(Pallets were ready for The Container Project shipment that went out April 2017 with boxed Mobility Carts in the back on racks ready for another shipment.)

The comment, “I had no idea” was often expressed. “I had no idea you were this big and were so professional. And you do all this with volunteers.” They commented about how neat and clean the operation is.

We now have here at Lenoir Woods twenty folks who know a lot about Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia. They have come back and are telling the story – good gossip. One of our residents, Mel Wagner, arranged for the trip. Some of you readers can do the same where you are. Come and see us. We will treat you right! The shop & warehouse are generally open M – F 8 am to 3 pm. You are also welcome to just drop in and look around. The door is open. (Closed for the eclipse on Monday.)
“Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs.” – Thomas Fuller
Mel West, Director Emeritus

info@giftofmobility.org is our new email address. This will go with our new name. Please add to your email address book so that you will continue to receive our weekly Updates. The old email will still work for now and be redirected to the new. We look forward to hearing from you.

Kathy Maynard, Business Administrator
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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