GVF: video of Mobility Cart replacing broken wheelchair

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From Global Village Foundation – Bali:

After the Global Village Foundation received the first shipment of Mobility Carts from the US-based charity Mobility Worldwide on September 27th, the team were keen to get started with the distribution to those in need. And so, two days later a brand new Mobility Cart was delivered to the very first recipient in North Bali.

Kadek Ardika is 19, and lives near the village of Sanggalangit. He has been unable to walk since birth. Global Village Foundation met him one year ago and gave him a new wheelchair. Because of the rough terrain around his home, that wheelchair was quickly broken. We supplied him with another temporary wheelchair, knowing that the Mobility Carts would be on their way. Kadek’s mobility problems have now been resolved. He has even managed to enroll a part-time ‘chauffeur’ as a back up ‘Power supply’ to help him when his energy levels are low. He is indeed a very happy young man now with his new Mobility Cart and asked us to pass on his most grateful thanks to all who made it possible, and we do. Thank you to all at Mobility Worldwide, and to everybody involved supporting the Global Village Foundation, for making this possible.

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