GVF: twin Ketut goes to school with Mobility Cart

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From Global Village Foundation Bali:
Twins are a fascinating phenomenon.

On June 10, 2019, we visited a beautiful family who requested help for one of their children. The family has a modest home and Dad has a part-time job at a service station. Though the family is not extremely poor they needed assistance for their disabled son.

Ketut Agus is a twin. Both he and his brother, Made were born healthy. Within the first hour, according to his Mum, Ketut had difficulties. He started fitting and convulsing. Within that hour his life changed. Over the years his parents watched him carefully and dedicated their time to him, Made and their older daughter, Ayu.

Ketut’s legs and feet.
Ketut’s legs and feet.

When the boys became school age, Ketut watched as his brother headed off to school with their sister. Generally, people with a disability in Bali are marginalised because of their economic, social, medical and educational opportunities. Ketut’s parents did not want this for their son.

Since Primary and High School is compulsory for children in Indonesia, it worried Ketut’s parents that he could not attend school because of his disability. The environment of Bali certainly makes it very difficult for people of limited mobility to move around, however, Ketut’s parents were determined to get him to school, if they could get him a wheelchair. They cleared a pathway from their street to the school in readiness.

Shopping for school uniforms with Mum and Dad
Shopping for school uniforms with Mum and Dad

In Bali, many public schools were not open to children with physical disabilities and even those with minor disabilities were not able to access the public system. The current Indonesian President and his Government are working hard to make Indonesia a country that is inclusive and protective of those with disabilities. So following our visit with Ketut and his family, the team decided to deliver a Mobility Cart to Ketut. His parents asked for help with his schooling too as he was a year behind with his learning.

The Mobility Cart arrived. He is a bit shell shocked
The Mobility Cart arrived. He is a bit shell shocked

Within a few days, we found a sponsor for him. He was taken shopping for his school uniforms and stationery, then started school. Within weeks the Principal reported to the parents that Ketut is very enthusiastic about learning and is a bright student.

Thank you to a School in Western Australia for helping. Jurien Bay District High School’s Room 15 SEN (Special Educational Needs) class deciding to help Ketut. These children could understand some of the issues that Ketut had faced and would continue to face throughout his life. These children and their dedicated teachers have fundraised enough for the first year of schooling and they are now planning what to do to pay for this year.

Terimah kasih banyak sekali / Thank you very much.

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