GVF: Pak Gede returns to ocean in his new Mobility Cart

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From Global Village Foundation – Bali:


Tuesday April 21 2020.

When GVF team members Rudy & Komang were out in the villages of North Bali last week distributing Covid Crisis Food Aid parcels, they met this gentleman. His name is Pak Gede, he is about 76 years old. He lives alone, and has done since his wife passed away five years ago.

He lives in the village of Kalanganyar, a small coastal village 40 minutes West of Singaraja, on the North Bali coast. It is in this same village that the Global Village Foundation currently has a Coral Reef Restoration project underway.

Pak Gede is cared for by his daughter, who lives nearby. She visits once a day to bring a meal

He has been unable to walk for the past 3 years, after an illness drained the strength from his legs. Prior to his illness, he was very active, & would walk to the beach every morning (about 800metres from his home), to sit on the sand, to watch the ocean, and perhaps reminisce, for his whole working life he had been a fisherman. For 50+ years, during each dry season, he had been putting out to sea alone in a small wooden 5 or 6 meter Outrigger boat to catch Tuna, Marlin, or Mahi-mahi. It was a lifestyle that taught him both Zen-like patience, and solitude. Qualities he has definitely needed these past 3 years. Since his illness, he has not been out from his house, he has not seen his beloved ocean, he has not been into the Village to attend any ceremonies.
Three whole years. Today his isolation ended.

Today the GVF team returned to Pak Gede to bring him his brand new Mobility Cart. He was a happy man indeed

He tells us his daily trips to the beach will begin again. His life in the Village community begins again. His isolation is finished. He has got back his freedom.

We thank MOBILITY WORLDWIDE of the USA for providing the Mobility cart for Pak Gede, we say thank you to Schoonwater Projecten Indonesie for the new Water Filter system we also provided, and we say a very grateful thank you to everybody currently supporting the Global Village Foundation, and our FOODAID program at this most difficult time. Without you, we could not be doing anything. Thank you so very much. God bless you.

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