GVF: Mobility Cart means dreams coming true for Made Kartika

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From Global Village Foundation Bali:


Wednesday February 12 2020.
The Global Village Foundation team today traveled to South Bali, to the village of Kediri in Tabanan Regency to deliver to a young disabled lady, a brand new ‘MOBILITY WORLDWIDE’ Mobility Cart.

Made Kartika is just 20 years old. She was born 2 months prematurely with a mild form of Cerebral palsy, and some disability in her lower legs. She has never been able to walk.
Despite her physical disabilities, she was able to attend school up until the age of 12, after which it became more of a problem, and she was forced to drop out. Made Kartika was more than capable of attending school, beyond 12 years old, but without a wheelchair, the distance was too great for her Mother to carry her.
She has received physiotherapy in the past at Yayasan Peduli Kemanusiaan (YPK) Bali, making good progress, and boosting her confidence.
She is a happy young lady, understandably a little shy perhaps, but with a very caring supportive Mum & Dad.
With her newfound mobility, she is keen to now start living her dreams, the chance to live a more normal lifestyle for a 20yr old young lady; the chance to find a job; to socialize, & be with her friends, to meet new friends, and maybe even find a boyfriend!

We say thank you to our friends at Yayasan Remagi, who introduced us to Made Kartika, and requested the Mobility Cart for her. We look forward to more collaborating, & working with you in the near future.

Please enjoy the short video attached;
The day Made Kartika received the gift of Mobility.

A KIND REQUEST TO ALL YAYASANS/CHARITIES & COMMUNITY GROUPS IN BALI. We would love to hear from any Foundations/Charities. Community groups, or Individuals in Bali, caring for poor disabled persons, people who you think would benefit from a Mobility Cart (as seen in this video).
Global Village Foundation (based in North Bali) currently has a limited number of MOBILITY WORLDWIDE Adult Mobility Carts in stock, also a number of WHEELCHAIRS FOR KIDS Childrens Wheelchairs in stock.

Let us work together with you, Global Village Foundation and your organization, to get these wheelchairs, and Mobility Carts out there, to the poorest disabled people, Children & Adults alike, throughout Bali, who so desperately need them, to live healthier, happier lives. #Togetherisbetter. Together we can. Thank you. Om Shanti shanti shanti om

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