GVF: Gift of Mobility Cart for Kadek

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From Global Village Foundation – Bali:

Late post, mobility Cart anak untuk adik kadek 11 th semoga bisa memudahkan dirinya beraktivitas, adik kadek tidak bisa jalan dari kecil, karena polio tapi semangatnya untuk sekolah dan menjalani aktivitas setiap Hari sangat luar biasa. Bermain dengan teman sebaya nya meski duduk dikursi roda.
Thank you to our sponsor Mobility Cart. Us.
Suksme Yayasan De legong anak bangsa, atas participasinya membantu anak anak Yang kurang beruntung.
God bless you
Google Translate: Late post, child mobility cart for 11 year old Kadek younger siblings. Hopefully it can make it easier for him to do activities, Kadek’s brother can’t walk since he was little, because of polio but his enthusiasm for school and doing activities every day is extraordinary. Playing with peers even in a wheelchair.
Thank you to our sponsor Mobility Cart. Us.
Suksme Yayasan De Legong Anak Bangsa, for your participation in helping children who are less fortunate.
God bless you

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