GVF: Eddy regaining his life with Gift of Mobility Cart

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From Global Village Foundation:


Eddy Sentono is 24 years old. He lives in the village of Sumbar Kelampak, North West Bali. Married in 2013, at age 18 to his childhood sweetheart, the newlyweds were quick to start a family, with a beautiful baby boy arriving in the first year. Three years ago, disaster struck when Eddy fell 5 meters from a Coconut tree, fracturing his spine, whilst working, harvesting Coconuts.
He spent several weeks at the public hospital, before returning home paralyzed from the waist down. His young wife, unable to cope with the stress of caring for her newly disabled husband, soon left the family home, and moved to the city.
Eddy & his young son (now aged 5) are cared for by Eddy’s parents in their simple family home. Eddy’s father makes a meager income ($1-$2 a day) collecting dead firewood from the forest floor to resell, and other occasional casual labor work. This is all the family survives on.

Without a wheelchair, Eddy has not been out from the family home in the 3 years since the accident.

Global Village Foundation met Eddy just a few weeks ago, and promised him a new wheelchair, as soon as the Mobility Carts arrived from the US. On October 9th, 2019, the team was able to fulfill that promise.

Eddy’s mobility problems have now been solved. He is a much happier, and more positive young man with his new Mobility Cart. He asked us to pass on his most grateful thanks to those who made it possible, and we do. Thank you to all at Mobility Worldwide, and to all our friends supporting the Global Village Foundation.

Global Village was also able to deliver a new Water Filter system on the day, Eddy & his family now have access to fresh clean drinking water for the very first time. Thank you to Aad, Jacqueline, and all supporters of Schoon Water Projecten Indonesia.

We will continue to bring Food Aid to Eddy & his family, as, and when we are able,

In the meantime, we will be working with Eddy & his parents to help them create a small home based handicraft business that will help supplement the family income.

Thank you for your interest.

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