GVF: after 5 years stuck at home, Ketut gets back to her village!

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From Global Village Foundation:


Ketut Tirta is 44 years old. She lives in the village of Sumbar Klampok, in North West Bali with her husband Nengah, who is blind, and her two sons, Kadek (age 21), & Putu (age 12).
Five years ago, at only 39 years old Ketut had a stroke
She received only the most basic care at the public hospital, before being returned home just 2 days later, semi-paralyzed.
Her husband Nengah, had gone blind around the same time, after developing cataracts over the previous few years. Prior to the blindness, Nengah had been a farmer.

Ketut & Nengah are cared for by their two young sons in the simple family home. Eldest son Kadek makes a very small income from occasional casual labour work. This is all the family survives on. Putu is currently still at school.

Without a wheelchair, Ketut has not been away from the family home in 5 years.
Thanks to Mobility Worldwide, Ketut’s mobility problems are now resolved, and Ketut is very happy to once again be able to get around in the village, The family are all so very grateful, and feeling much more positive about the future.

The next step for the GVF team is to work with our friends at John Fawcett Foundation, to arrange a Cataract removal operation for husband Nengah, which we are hopeful will completely restore his vision, and allow him to return to his farming.

Without support, young Putu (currently age 12) will finish school this year.
We are hopeful we can find a sponsor willing to support his ongoing secondary education.

Whilst delivering the Mobility Cart to Ketut, Global Village was also able to deliver a new Water Filter system.
The family now has access to fresh clean drinking water for the very first time. Thank you very much to Aad & the team at Schoon Water Projecten Indonesie for donating the water filter system

Global Village continues to support Ketut & her family with Food Aid, and other support, as and when we are able. Any donations to assist this family living in such hardship would be most gratefully received.

Thank you to all at Mobility Worldwide, and to you, our friends who continue to support us at the Global Village Foundation.

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