Gifts of Mobility realize dreams in Ethiopia

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From Agape Mobility Ethiopia Spring 2020:

Spotlight: Meet Mekfia
Mekfia’s new ability to be mobile puts her on track to achieve her dreams in the Gurage zone of Ethiopia, about 125 miles south of Addis Ababa. At age 26, she hopes to start a small business selling sambusa in her Muslim village. Sambusa is a delicious African meat- or lentil-filled pastry.

“I am happy to get this wheelchair!” she said. “Now I can get out to go to the Mosque to study Quran.”

Agape Mobility Ethiopia gave Mekfia a hand-powered mobility cart in March, 2020.

Mekfia was able to attend school until fourth grade, but the lack of proper, timely treatment for tuberculosis resulted in her being paralyzed from the waist down.

“She is a beautiful lady – a young woman and we need to pray for her,” said Saba Marcos, President, Agape Mobility Ethiopia. “Pray for the opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus with her.”

March 2020 Activity Report:
With the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s Minister of Labor and Social Affairs (MOLSA), Agape Mobility Ethiopia delivered 183 wheelchairs of all types in Ethiopia in March, 2020. MOLSA assisted in identifying areas of greatest need.

March wheelchair designations:
Capital City
* Addis Ababa – 10
Eastern Ethiopia
* Harar – 20
* Jijga – 40
Southern Ethiopia
* Arba Minch – 40
* Gurange – 45
* Hosaena – 30

We were able to deliver 55 carts to Gurage and Addis Ababa, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we were not able to deliver the rest of the carts. If the situation allows, we will deliver the rest of the carts in August 2020.

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