GVF: in spite of spinal fracture, Kadek “thrilled” with Mobility Cart

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From Global Village Foundation:


In Bali, the Coconut tree is considered a gift from the Gods. There is even a special day of ceremony dedicated to it. It is known as the tree of life, and also, the tree of a thousand uses.
For many young men however, a fall from a Coconut tree when harvesting the fruit is the end of their dreams, & life as they know it.

Kadek Sudarpa is 33 years old. He is the 4th young man this month to receive a Mobility Cart from the Global Village Foundation, as the result of falling from a Coconut tree.

Kadek lives in the village of Bebetin, North Bali.
Seven years ago, Kadek fell six meters from a tall Coconut tree, fracturing his spine.
He spent several weeks in hospital, before returning home paralysed from the waist down.
He lives with his Mother (also disabled) and his brother.
Both he, and his Mother, are cared for by the brother.

Without a wheelchair, Kadek has not been away from the family home in the 7 years since the accident. Global Village Foundation first met Kadek a few months ago. We saw immediately that he was a positive young man, very determined to live a full & productive life.
We promised him a new Mobility Cart, as soon as the new Carts arrived from the US. On October 22nd 2019, the team was able to fulfill that promise.

Kadek’s mobility problems have now been solved. He is absolutely thrilled with his new Mobility Cart. So thrilled in fact he tells us he now wants to start a small Handicraft business, and begin it by making some miniature model Mobility Carts to sell, (to raise awareness also of disability in Bali) using the handicraft skills he has taught himself since the accident. To help Kadek in his new venture, Global Village is seeking a sponsor/ or sponsors who will help us purchase the simple woodworking tools he will need to start his new venture. He is asking for a small electric Jig saw, a simple work bench, some wood carving chisels, & a mallet. Total Cost, around A$250, (150 Euros)
You can be sure the first miniature Mobility Carts off the ‘Production line’ and other handicrafts he will make, will feature on display, for sale, at The Global Village Foundation (Not for Profit) Kafe & Handicraft Gallery in Lovina Beach, North Bali

Kadek, and his family asked us to pass on his most grateful thanks to those who made the Mobility Cart possible, and we do. Thank you to all at Mobility Worldwide in the US, and to all our kind friends across the globe supporting the Global Village Foundation in our work to build a brighter better future, for Bali’s less fortunate citizens.
We also say a very special thank you to Richard Larkin from the UK, a great friend, and major supporter (Devon Pussycat Charity Cycle Rides) of the Global Village Foundation, who joined us on the day to present the new Mobility Cart to Kadek.

Thank you for your interest.

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