FAITH can change the lives of the leg handicapped around the globe

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Maker of the Mobility Cart since 1994.
Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia update 1/10/18
Give the Gift of Mobility, Dignity, and Opportunity!

Periodically we need to review what it means to be a “faith-based” NGO. Here is my statement:

Jeanne Smith in KS requested a Mobility Cart for this boy in Ethiopia in 2007

*** We are a people propelled by the FAITH that the day will come when no person upon this earth will be compelled to crawl upon the ground, or be carried about, because of leg handicaps.

*** We build upon the FAITH that a world that can construct mechanical and electrical devices to respond to every whim and need, can also build the devices, both simple and complex, to give freedom of mobility to all its citizens.

*** We act in support of a FAITH that tells us that the gift of mobility is one of those inherent human rights alongside of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

*** We work with the FAITH that every individual, regardless of age, race, income,
education or status, can do something to help provide the gift of mobility to someone in need.

*** We act with FAITH that it is the height of human character and activity
to be willing to give something of oneself to aid a neighbor in need.

*** We work with the FAITH that every world religion, in the core of its scriptures,
asks for and supports active caring for those whom one calls “the least of these.”

*** On this our FAITH stands. We can do no other.

“Y ahora permanecen la fe, la experanza, y el amor, estos tres; mas el mayor de ellos es el amor.”
1 Corintios 13.

Mel West, Director Emeritus
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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