[East MI] Pull Cart photos and report from Kara, Togo

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From ABWE and Hosptial Baptiste Biblique in Togo

Just a quick update. We arrived in Togo on the 4th of October and are slowly getting settled. This week, I was able to follow up on the Togo Pet Carts.

Here are our numbers and goals:

  1. In 2016 . . . we received 2 shipments of Pet Carts for a total of 21 carts. (15 adult, 2 pull, and 4 children)
  2. Our goal is to have them distributed by the Spring of 2018.
  3. Prior to my arrival . . . 3 adult PET CARTS where distributed (I am working on finding contact information and making follow up visits)
  4. I have distributed 1 Pull carts . . . and 1 adult cart. We will be giving out a child’s cart within the next couple of weeks. Interest seems to be high . . .
  5. Feed back on the pull cart. A pull cart was distributed to a family in need 6 hours north of us in Kara. They have a 4 year old daughter. At 3 months of age she fell sick becoming incapacitated to such an extend that she can not use her limbs and or communicate. In handing out the cart . . . we started thinking about a better way to help “securely” fasten her to the cart. Our present solution is to tie a piece of cloth around her chest to the back of the cart (see attached pictures).
  6. Future feed back. We have received a request for a new Mobility Cart from a past recipient of a cart. Prior to giving him a new cart . . . we will be visiting him and see how the his first mobility cart is holding out. Depending on what we see . . our goal would be to repair the cart versus giving him a new one. We will take pictures and give you feed back.

Once again . . thank you for the Carts. I am hoping over the next few months to post stories on our blog on the PULL and PET Cart Recipients.

God Bless

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