E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

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E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

Today was the first assembly and distribution of mobility carts. Our team, along with our Gabonese partners, assembled and gave out 35 mobility carts to individuals who were prescreened to receive them. Pastor president Victor gave a short bible teaching and all local church officials participated. We will have some stories to follow after the trip. Tomorrow the team travels to the southern part of the country for more assembly and distribution. We are so thankful for our partners at Mobility Worldwide!

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

E4 Project distributes 35 Mobility Carts in Libreville, Gabon

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