Blessings of Mobility and more

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From People Are Flocking Here:
Malembo Village, Malawi … “People who are looking for help with mobility issues are flocking to Action for Progress,” reports Wilson Tembo, Executive Director for AfP. “With the number of needed units running into the thousands it seems personnel from AfP are on the road all of the time ensuring the units get into the right hands.”

Sixty-one-year-old Mabvuto is diabetic, and in 2019 he injured his right leg. For two months he was hospitalized at Kamuzu Central Hospital in the capital city. Attempts to resolve the issues were so serious the doctor finally recommended amputation of his right leg. Mabvuto faced the mountain of problems so many people struggle with when they have mobility problems, but he knew he had little choice.

In 2022 Mabvuto was moving about on crutches, when he started having trouble with his left leg. Again, he found himself in the hospital, this time having his left leg amputated. He came to AfP for relief from his plight, yet despite the loss of both legs Mabvuto came giving thanks to God for good health.

His son Harry told us how good their lives had been before his father lost both legs. He says his father used to spend long hours in the fields caring for their crops. They prospered. Now hunger rooms at their house. As the first-born son, and the one responsible for caring for his father, Harry has been trying to source a way for his father to get around. It did not take long to realize they would never be able to buy a suitable device. Then they came in contact with AfP and everything changed.

When the new blue and green Moblity Cart was rolled out at the distribution center in Lilongwe, a big smile spread across Mabvuto’s face. He got on the unit for the first time and easily peddled his way around the AfP property.

Along with the Moblity Cart Mabvuto was handed a new Bible as an additional gift. He could not believe his good fortune. But as he started to read it was evident, he needed one more additional boost. Because contributors also send reading glasses, he was handed just the right pair. Now he could easily read the text. A Moblity Cart, a Bible, and a pair of glasses. He immediately turned to Psalms 28:1 and read it. Then he said,

“This is a blessed place. People are receiving their blessings here and today I am witness. I came seeking a Moblity Cart, and you have given me that and more. You added a spiritual gift, a Bible. Then, as though that were not enough you have helped my vision problem by giving me eyeglasses. Now I will be using my Moblity Cart to attend church services, then I will wear my eyeglasses to read the Bible, all given to me by Action for Progress.”
Name: Mabvuto
Country: Malawi
Disability: diabetes
Partner: Malawi Project – Action for Progress

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