BCMF: Toe Toe thankful for Gift of Mobility Cart

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Toe Toe Aung is a 20-year-old man who lives with his parents and a younger brother in Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay Division, Burma. When Toe Toe was three years old, the medic improperly administered an injection which resulted in weakness in both of his legs. Eventually he could no longer walk anymore. He dropped out of school when he was in grade four because he had problems studying and memorising his homework, failing his exams often. For the past three months, he is an apprentice at a repair shop, learning to fix motorbikes, cars and bicycles. In the past he used crutches to move around his house and at his workshop, and used his old wheelchair when he had to travel to the market or to his workplace. During the mission, he was happy to receive a new wheelchair. “Now I can help my mother buy food every day at the market,” said Toe Toe. His mother has a small shop at the market where she sells curry and rice. “This wheelchair will help my arms get good exercise and I can help buy food for my mother which she will then cook and sell in the market.” Toe Toe is very happy that he received the new Mobility Cart. In the future, he would like to open a repair shop of his own. “Thank you very much to all of the donors,” said Toe Toe.

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