BCMF successfully concludes April/May Mobility Cart distributions

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From Burma Children Medical Fund:

Khaung lives with his wife and six children in a town north of Lashio. After they had both of his legs amputated due to blood clots, he joined a local organisation called Never End Tomorrow (NET) that among various activities, also offers vocational training to people with disabilities.
Before he received a Mobility Cart, Khaung used a wheelchair. But after three years of use, the wheelchair had started to fall apart and the brakes were no longer working. “The mobility cart will give me strong arms,” said Khaung. “Now it will be easier to go up hills and I will be able to stop and rest [by using the brake].”

Successful missions update!

Between the end of April and the middle of May, BCMF was able to fit and provide 70 wheelchairs for children, 100 Mobility Carts, 1 adult wheelchair, 6 pairs of crutches and 1 walker. Adults and children requiring mobility devices, received them during 4 consecutive wheelchair fitting and training missions held in Lashio, Shan State; Kyaukpadaung, Mandalay Division; Nyaung-U, Mandalay Division; and Oktwin, Bago Division!

On behalf of all those who received a mobility device, as well as their loved ones, we would like to say thank you to our partners Golden Future in Shan State, Ko Khin Maung Shwe and Daw Mar Mar Thein in Mandalay Division, and the Oktwin Branch of Myanmar Independent Living Initiative in Bago Division, for helping us organize these missions! Last but not least, thank you to Wheelchairs for Kids, Mobility Worldwide, Brodtbeck Philanthropy Foundation, Rotary Club of Wanneroo, Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA, Allied Pickfords Thailand, Suwannimit Foundation for helping us bring mobility to children and adults in Burma!

13-year-old Win and her mother are happy that Win received a mobility device. With her new Mobility Cart, Win will be able to move around easily.

13-year-old Myint and her father beside her new Mobility Cart. Her father had picked her up to bring her inside while they waiting for their ride home.
Mobility Cart recipients
All the wheelchair and Mobility Cart recipients before they headed home on the second day.
U Soe
U Soe came to receive a Mobility Cart with his wife and daughter on a rented horse carriage. “It’s cheaper then renting a car,” said his wife.
Assembling Mobility Carts
The third mission took place in Nyaung-U, Mandalay Division. Here BCMF staff and volunteers from the monastery assemble the Mobility Carts before fitting recipients for them.
training for recipients
During the last mission in Oktwin, Bagan Division, BCMF trained members of Mili Oktwin Branch to assemble and fit recipients for wheelchairs and Mobility Carts. Mili, Myanmar Independent Living Initiative, is an NGO with chapters in different parts of Burma, that works to enhance equal rights, inclusion and independent living for people with disabilities.
staff with recipients
BCMF staff and interns with wheelchair and Mobility Cart recipients, as well as volunteers from the monastery in Nyaung-U.
assembling Mobility Carts
During the second day of the mission in Nyaung-U, Mandalay Division, BCMF team worked with Yawhan to assemble the Mobility Carts.
Eight-year-old Htun really wanted to receive a Mobility Cart like the other adults instead of a child’s wheelchair. BCMF director soon cured his sadness with a good dose of laughter.

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