BCMF: nun Ma Pyi nya Wanna thankful for her Mobility Cart

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Ma Pyi Nya Wanna is a 33-year-old nun who lives in Aye Sat Kyi Monastery, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Division, Burma. When she was three years old, she had a high fever and her mother took her to the local clinic. At the clinic, the medic gave her an injection four times in a day. 20 days after they went to the clinic, she started to experience weakness in her legs but was still able to walk short distances. By the time she was nine years old she had to receive surgery on both of her legs as she could not walk anymore. When the surgery did not work, they tried to treat her with traditional medicine and rituals. However this also did not work. Later on, she became a nun when she was 21 years old. In 2017, she received a wheelchair but because that wheelchair is for children, it was too small for her and she decided to give it to a child who needed one. Luckily, this year she received a mobility cart from BCMF. She said, “This wheelchair will be very useful for me.” She is very thankful to the donors for the mobility cart.

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