BCMF: Mobility Carts excite recipients!

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From Burma Children Medical Fund:

First day of our mission in Sagaing Division was very busy!
With Health For All (HFA), BCMF fitted 7 recipients with children’s wheelchairs, supplied by Wheelchairs for Kids, and 7 recipients with mobility carts, provided by Mobility Worldwide! Another 10 children and adults were added to our waiting list. BCMF also held 3 reproductive health and rights work shop for 104 girls and 53 boys. All the girls, and 5 of their teachers, received a Days for Girls Australia hygiene kit containing reusable pads! Meanwhile, Kanchana, BCMF’s director, screened over 83 patients for BCMF’s surgical referral program!

We would also like to thank Betula Asian Aid Foundation for funding the transportation of our staff to the mission site.

When recipients of mobility carts and wheelchairs can afford to, they will hire a car to bring them back home. However, not all villagers can afford to do so. In this case as well, a mobility cart recipient’s family had to tie a mobility cart to their motorcycle to transport it back to their village.
Each recipient of a mobility cart or a wheelchair and/or their caretakers are interviewed before they are fitted for their new mobility device.
After his mother received a mobility cart, he climbed in front of her to inspect her new mobility device!

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