BCMF: Mobility Cart lifts Wai up from crawling

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From Burma Children Medical Fund:


Ma Aye is a 32-year-old woman who lives with her mother, sister and brother-in-law in a village in Tigyaing Township, Sagaing Division, Burma. When Ma Aye was one, she had diarrhea and three days later, her legs grew weak. By the time she was four, she was only able to crawl on her hands and knees. Her mother gave her home-made crutches out of bamboo when she was eight, but these broke later. Although her uncle bought her new crutches out of metal, she developed pain in her right leg two years ago and was only able to walk around her house.

When Wai learned that she would receive a Mobility Cart from BCMF, everyone was very happy or her. Wai said, “If I receive a Mobility Cart, it will help me with so many things. I will be able to bring water [from the neighbor’s well] with this cart because I see there’s space [to put the bucket] behind the cart. I might also bring wood for fuel to cook. When I’ll receive this cart, I will be able to get around easily and when I’ll use it, I’ll be able to put my leg down comfortably. Also when I’ll take a bath, I’ll be able to put all of my stuff onto the cart.”

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