BCMF: Ko Myo upgrades to Mobility Cart

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Ko Myo is a 42-year-old man who lives with his family in Myint Seain Village, Kyaukse Township, Mandalay Division, Burma. When he was 30 years old he had an accident and had to amputate both of his legs. After that he was forced to beg in the market to help support his family. Although he did not like to beg he did not have a choice. However, with the help of his new mobility cart, he plans to sell lottery tickets in the future. Ko Myo said, “When I used my old wheelchair, it was very difficult and hard for me to get around because it is not comfortable or safe for me to get around. Now that I have received this new wheelchair, I feel a lot safer [getting around] and it will help me find work. Thank you very much to all of the donors for the wheelchair.”
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