Acuña Municipal DIF celebrates delivering 35 Carritos (Mobility Carts)

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From Acuña Municipal DIF and Mobility Worldwide TX-San Antonio:

The Municipal President of Acuña City, Cuidad Coahuila, Mexico, and the First Lady of the Acuña Municipal DIF, carried out a ceremony of the delivery of 35 Carritos (Mobility Carts) on February 13. This occasion benefitted 35 people and their families, among them older adults and people with disabilities. These Mobility Carts were made and provided at no charge by volunteers in the manufacturing workshop of Mobility Worldwide Texas-San Antonio. The DIF staff and others involved also visited the homes of the people with disabilities to verify the need that they had for a Mobility Cart. Those residents receiving a Carrito will allow them to have a less dependent life and greater mobility in their day-to-day activities.
Mobility Cart recipients

Mobility Cart recipient

Mobility Cart recipient

Mobility Cart recipient

Mobility Cart recipients

Mobility Cart recipient

Mobility Cart recipient

Mobility Cart recipient

Mobility Cart recipient

Mobility Carts

Mobility Carts
Name: multiple
Country: Mexico
Disability: multiple
Partner: Acuña Municipal DIF

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