A new dawn for Shuvai with Gift of Mobility Pull Cart

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From Freeman Mokwena: “Greetings. I hope this finds you well and blessed. On behalf of one of the recipients of your PET carts, I would like to say thank you very much and may the almighty God continue to bless you abundantly. I work for a charity organization that received a consignment of your carts in Zimbabwe.
Kindly note that this communication is not from the organization, I just took it upon myself to personally thank you and send you a few pictures of one of the people who received your donation. As you will be able to tell from the pictures, your assistance could not have come at a better time than this.
Once again, thank you very much.
Kindly find the pictures attached below.”

It was all smiles and glee for Shuvai after he was presented with his new pull cart.
It was all smiles and glee for Shuvai after he was presented with his new pull cart.

Shuvai is a 33 year old man who has cerebral palsy, a disorder of movement, muscle tone or posture that is caused by damage that occurs to the immature, developing brain, most often before birth. The condition makes it impossible for him to use his limbs and has to crawl on the ground if he wants to get by. Shuvai lives with his elderly, widowed mother and younger brother. Both of them are not employed and they cannot afford a wheelchair for him. When his father was still alive, he made him a simple contraption using old diesel engine flywheels. This is what he has been using but it limited his movements since it could not get far and would occasionally break down. Recently he received one of your PET carts. He was very grateful for the assistance and could not hold back his excitement after receiving it. “I can now go watch soccer with my brother at the shops” he said, to his brother’s acknowledgement. His mother also expressed her, saying that it will be much easier for her son to get along. ”he is a grown up man now, I cannot carry him around anymore, this condition has made him house bound for most of his adult life”.
Shuvai with his home made wheelchair before being presented with a pull cart.
Shuvai with his home made wheelchair before being presented with a pull cart.
Shuvai with both his old home made wheel chair and new pull cart.
Shuvai with both his old home made wheel chair and new pull cart.
Shuvai with  new pull cart.
Shuvai with new pull cart.

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