BCMF: excited to deliver Gifts of Mobility Carts!

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From Burma Children Medical Fund:


Mobility Cart Delivery!

Yesterday, we received two containers filled with 175 Mobility Carts!
Even before the containers arrived, we already had two recipients waiting to receive a Mobility Cart! While some of the staff fitted the man and the woman with a Mobility Cart, the rest of the staff, interns and volunteers helped to directly load another truck with ~100 Mobility Carts bound for our upcoming wheelchair fitting missions in Burma!

Thank you Mobility Worldwide, Brodtbeck Philanthropy Foundation, Allied Pickfords Thailand and Suwannimit Foundation for helping us bring mobility to people with a physical disability!

BCMF staff assembling two newly arrived Mobility Carts
One of the Mobility Cart recipient and his daughter watch as staff unload the container. Some of the mobility carts were directly transferred to another truck, which was sent ahead to Burma for our upcoming wheelchair fitting missions.
Staff, volunteers and interns worked together to unload the Mobility Carts

The Mobility Cart recipients and one of the recipients’ daughter before they head home with their new Mobility Carts

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