First Lady Margret Kenyatta distributes Mobility Carts in Migori

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From Carry Each Other’s Burdens…

Her Excellency, the First Lady of Kenya, Margaret Kenyatta, the Honorable Governor Zachary Obado and many officials joined Steve, Sandy, Team 8 missionaries and staff in the distribution of WorldWide Mobility Carts April 16-18 on the KR campus in Migori!

The team consisted of leaders Jeff & Barbara Moran, WorldWide mobility volunteers, along with Alina Adams, physical therapist assistant program director at Wallace State College in Hanceville, Alabama, physical therapy staff and students, as well as others.

165 carts were distributed to Persons With Disabilities (PWD) who came from local communities and reached as far as Mombasa and even into Tanzania. To see the joy on their faces and the integrity they feel after being recognized as a mobile, able person cannot be expressed.


A special thank you to WorldWide Mobility in Columbia, Missouri for the donation of the carts.

The visit from the First Lady symbolizes Kenya’s desire to move forward in unity and become ONE! Read more about the significance of her visit HERE

The First Lady cut the ribbon for the official opening of our new inpatient ward at the Brase Clinic as well. This new addition allows us to now comfortably house patients overnight and increases the quality care and recovery we can provide to patients receiving transformative procedures and treatments.

The design below adorns the gates at the Brase Clinic as a reminder to always lend a helping hand, no matter our race, abilities, gender or any other characteristics of our being. When we come together as one with an attitude of bettering those around us, the impact is immeasurable!

“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too” Phil 2:4

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ” Gal 6:2

“Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased” Heb 13:16

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