Mobility Cart stories from Kenya

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Maker of the Mobility Cart since 1994.
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Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia update 10/31/17

Everybody loves a good story. When Jesus told them they were called parables, and they packed a powerful message. Those of us who speak publicly know that hearers remember the stories we tell long after they have forgotten whatever else we said. Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia has a great advantage in that we have such powerful stories to tell. We now have over 67,000 stories, each one from a unique person who has had a unique experience receiving that amazing “gift of mobility and hope.” Here are a couple from Kenya. You will remember them.

*** “Esther Wanjiku was born with spinal bifida. Her mother says, “I used to carry my daughter to school and to the church service, but an angel sent a Mobility Cart to me. Now my daughter can cycle to school on her own, and she has made new friends. All the other children are curious about the Mobility Cart and want to ride in it. I can now send her to the store for groceries, and she can comfortably visit her friends. Another blessing is that the cart is also a great form of exercise and has helped my daughter lose weight gradually. This has improved her overall health which makes us both happy.”

*** “Monica Muthoni Kimere is thrilled with the freedom her new Mobility Cart has given her. She says, ‘I no longer have fatigue and blisters from trying to walk with just my cane. I can go to church now on my own. I have started a small business selling farm produce. I am no longer dependent on my children, and can actually support them. The Mobility Cart helps me fetch water too, rather than having to pay someone else to get it for me.” A photo of Monica on her cart shows her using some of the clean milk jugs we put in as shipping filler in which to carry water.

And there are about 66,998 other stories like those.
“Man is most uniquely human when he turns obstacles into opportunities.” Eric Hoffer
Mel West, Director Emeritus
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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