Mobility Carts: International day of the girl child October 11

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Maker of the Mobility Cart since 1994.
You can help girls change the world!
Give the Gift of Mobility, Dignity, and Opportunity!
Mobility Worldwide MO-Columbia Update 10/11/17
1,409 carts built since 1-1-17 = 850 large crank, 382 small crank & 177 Pull

October 11 is the International Day of the Girl Child.

The rise of women in the world is without a doubt the most important change I have seen in my over 9 decades of observing life. My mother got the right to vote only 4 years before I was born. The rule to “keep ’em in the kitchen and keep ’em pregnant,” was rather well enforced. A woman could teach school, if she was not married or pregnant. A woman pastor for a church would have been a scandal. A woman could be a secretary in a business, but certainly not have any powers of authority or decision making. That list could go on and on.

Here in the USA that has changed dramatically. Some of the developed countries of the world are ahead of us, but some are not. Only recently did Saudi Arabia pass a bill to allow women the right to drive an auto. Some years ago we sent a Mobility Cart to a Muslim country and to a girl. The word came back that the girl could ride it until she was 12 years of age, and then must give it up. Perhaps that has changed also…

Another girl receives a cart in Kenya 2015

We have learned in humanitarian mission that when we empower girls and women amazing and positive things begin to happen. A slogan is, “Educate a man and you educate a man. Educate a woman and you educate a village.” When a mission project begins to generate an income, women are more faithful in using it for family needs and not for drink. With Rainbow Network in Nicaragua, we have learned of the desire and ability of very poor women to start successful small businesses.

So, we salute the girl children of the world. Because of them we will have a kinder, more compassionate, safer, less violent and more just world. We delight in getting a Mobility Cart to them early in their need, before their spirits or their muscles are in decline. The USA once had a beloved president who was a victim of polio, and lived in a wheelchair. Perhaps some young lady now driving one of our hand-cranked wheelchairs will achieve that status. At least, we will have given her that opportunity.

2012 Maritza, 14 year old in Honduras, was stricken with polio and unable to walk. Read full report to hear how she was able to get back to school.

“As a woman, I have no country. As a woman, I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world.” – Virginia Woolf, 1935
Mel West, Director Emeritus
DBA Mobility Worldwide MO – Columbia

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